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dbPEP (Premium Support) 2.0

dbPEP (Premium Support) 2.0

dbPEP (Premium Support) Publisher's Description

dbPEP is a Production Data Entry and Analysis System for manufacturing businesses that will assist you to optimize your results.

PRECISE PRODUCTION DATA ENTRY - Simplify this time-consuming process and gain data entry accuracy.

EASY AND QUICK REPORTING - Compile and measure your production efficiency and your ratios of delays in details for each interval of time instead of only the overall picture.

DOCUMENT YOUR ACTIVITIES - Build an history of results and production standard rates.

POWER of ANALYSE - Cost more precisely your production data and know better where your gains and losses are. Have dbPEP to propose you recommendations. - And more!

comes with PREMIUM annual standard support plan for 1 year; multi-users versions have additional features

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